It is my ambition to be a professional actor. I currently study on a part time course and full time study is the next step. I am applying to what my research has led me to believe are the 'top' drama schools. I suppose by 'top' I mean most prestigious and considered to be of the highest teaching quality.
Who can say what the true ranking is? Its a point that's open to endless debate. In any case I have applied to:
Each course has an intake of between 12 and 30 students per year, with anything up to 4000 people applying for these places. Its a 100-1 shot for sure and the process is notoriously competitive, with the majority of applicants having considerable talent already.
If that's not enough to put you off; what one has to go through to get one of these golden places might. Firstly each school requires a written application, some of them demanding a sort of essay on why you are great. With this sent off, along with £45 of your money, you are called to an audition/interview, where you have to further prove what a marvellous person you are and then...perform some prepared speeches and perhaps sing a song.
It gets better. After the first audition you may be recalled for what is known as the 'Second Round'. More discussion, more singing, speech performing and maybe even showing a third speech (that you have been asked to prepare)
This second round can even lead to a third, fourth and exceptionally a fifth whereby the decide whether or not you are worthy. What an ordeal.
Its going to be en experience worth remembering and that is why I have decided to chronicle it. In the likelihood that I don't get offered a place this year, I will be able to refer to my records here when I apply again next year. Perhaps the Blog could be useful for other student actors on the same path, perhaps in years to come.
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